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Executive Order 9740—Amendment of Executive Order No. 1888 of February 2, 1914, as Amended, Relating to Conditions of Employment in the Service of the Panama Canal and the Panama Railroad Company on the Isthmus of Panama
Harry S Truman
Executive Order 9738—Restricting Competition in Examination for the Position of Correctional Officer Under the Bureau of Prisons, Department of Justice
Executive Order 9737—Revoking Section 3 of Executive Order 3928 of April 8, 1942, Relating to the Stabilization of Wages, Prices, and Salaries
Executive Order 9736—Possession, Control, and Operation of the Transportation System, Plants, and Facilities of the Monongahela Connecting Railroad Company
Executive Order 9735—Establishing a Cabinet Committee On Palestine and Related Problems
Executive Order 9734—President's Certificate of Merit
Executive Order 9733—Authorizing Certification for Probational Appointment of Certain Classes of Persons
Executive Order 9732—Relating to the Administration of the Act of February 22, 1935, as Amended
Executive Order 9731—Creating An Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute Between the Hudson & Hudson & Manhattan Railroad Company and Certain of Its Employees
Executive Order 9730—Amendment of Executive Order No. 9630 of September 27, 1945, Redistributing Foreign Economic Functions and Functions With Respect to Surplus Property in Foreign Areas
Executive Order 9729—Further Defining the Functions and Duties of the Office of Defense Transportation
Executive Order 9728—Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to Take Possession of and to Operate Certain Coal Mines
Executive Order 9726—Transfer of Fiscal Functions Relating to Lend-lease Matters from the Department of State to the Treasury Department
Executive Order 9727—Possession, Control, and Operation of Certain Railroads
Executive Order 9725—Designating the Alien Property Custodian to Administer the Powers and Authority Conferred Upon the President by Sections 20 and 32 of the Trading With the Enemy Act, as Amended
Executive Order 9724—Amendment of Executive Order No. 9672 Establishing the National Wage Stabilization Board
Executive Order 9723—Termination of the President's War Relief Control Board
Executive Order 9722—Reassignment of the Functions of the Service of Supply Command and the Commanding General, Services of Supply
Executive Order 9721—Providing for the Transfer of Personnel to Public International Organizations in Which the United States Government Participates
Executive Order 9720—Discontinuing the Sitka and Subic Bay Naval Airspace Reservations and the Subic Bay, Manila Bay, Los Angeles-Long Beach Harbor, San Diego, San Francisco, Columbia River Entrance, and Strait of Juan De Fuca and Puget Sound Defensive Sea Areas