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Executive Order 7496—Transfer of Property, Functions, Funds, etc., Pertaining to Recreational Demonstration Projects From the Resettlement Administration to the Secretary of the Interior
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 7488—Designation of Louis N. Robinson as Chairman of the Prison Industries Reorganization Board
Executive Order 7484—Addition to Cedar Keys Bird Refuge in Florida
Executive Order 7487-A—Designation of R. Walton Moore, Assistant Secretary of State, To Act as Secretary of State
Executive Order 7487—Amendment of Paragraph 6, Subdivison VII, Schedule A, Civil Service Rules
Executive Order 7486—Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 4539 of November 6, 1926, Withdrawing Public Lands in Utah
Executive Order 7485—Revocation of Executive Order No. 2124 of January 20, 1915, Establishing Ediz Hook Reservation in Washington
Executive Order 7483—Authorizing the Special Committee To Investigate Production, Transportation and Marketing of Wool, United States Senate, To Inspect Income, Profits, and Capital Stock Tax Returns
Executive Order 7482—Designating Morehead City, North Carolina, as a Customs Port of Entry
Executive Order 7480—Exemption of Adolph Kress from Compulsory Retirement for Age