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Executive Order 11546—Establishing the President's Commission for the Observance of the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the United Nations
Richard Nixon
Executive Order 11545—Establishing the Defense Distinguished Service Medal
Executive Order 11544—Establishing the Vice Presidential Service Certificate and the Vice Presidential Service Badge
Executive Order 11543—Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate Disputes Between the Carriers Represented by the National Railway Labor Conferences and Certain of Their Employees
Executive Order 11542—Amending Executive Order No. 11248, Placing Certain Positions in Levels IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
Executive Order 11540—Amending Executive Order No. 11248, Placing Certain Positions in Levels IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
Executive Order 11541—Prescribing the Duties of the Office of Management and Budget and the Domestic Council in the Executive Office of the President
Executive Order 11539—Delegations of Authority to Negotiate Agreements and Issue Regulations Limiting Imports of Certain Meats
Executive Order 11538—Delegating to the Secretary of Transportation the Authority of the President to Establish and Conduct an International Aeronautical Exposition
Executive Order 11537—Amending the Selective Service Regulations Concerning the Ordering of Registrants for Induction