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Cruz Campaign Press Release - Cruz for President Announces Congressman Steve King as National Co-Chair
Ted Cruz
Statement From Hillary Clinton on North Korea's Apparent Nuclear Test
Hillary Clinton
Rubio Campaign Press Release - Marco Rubio Isn't Blustering about North Korea — Here's Four Things He'd Do to Confront Them
Marco Rubio
Cruz Campaign Press Release - Cruz Corrects False Accusations from Ethanol Lobby on RFS
Rubio Campaign Press Release - ANOTHER Rising National Conservative Is Joining Marco Rubio on the Trail
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Only One Presidential Candidate Has a Comprehensive Plan To Address Autism Here's What She'll Do
Rubio Campaign Press Release - Marco Rubio: President Obama Is OBSESSED with Undermining the Second Amendment
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - The Only Thing Standing Between Republicans, the Affordable Care Act, and Planned Parenthood
Rubio Campaign Press Release - Former President of the Conservative Club for Growth Backs Marco Rubio
Tweets of January 5, 2016
Donald J. Trump (1st Term)
Rubio Campaign Press Release - Marco Rubio Calls Out President Obama for Targeting Gun Owners in the Wake of Terror Attacks
Trump Campaign Press Release - Andrew Hemingway Abandons Cruz Campaign, Endorses Donald J. Trump for President
Kasich Campaign Press Release - Endorsement: Kasich for America Announces Expansion of New Hampshire Team
John Kasich
Statement by Senator Bernie Sanders on Gun Safety Executive Actions
Bernie Sanders
Hillary Clinton's Statement on Endorsement of NARAL Pro-Choice America PAC
Interview with Chris Matthews of MSNBC
Rubio Campaign Press Release - President Obama Is Waging War On The Constitution
Jeb Bush Campaign Press Release - Protecting the Second Amendment
Jeb Bush
Rubio Campaign Press Release - This Iowa Conservative Picked Marco Because He Can 'Unite the Party and Win'
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - President Obama Just Took a Big Step To Reduce Gun Violence—and Showed What's at Stake in the Next Election