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Source of many WH announcements, readouts, press releases
National Commission on Employment and Unemployment Statistics Nomination of Sat A. Levitan To Be a Member.
Jimmy Carter
Environmental Protection Agency Nomination of William Drayton, Jr., To Be an Assistant Administrator.
Checklist of White House Press Releases
Acts Approved by the President
Digest of Other White House Announcements
Nominations Submitted to the Senate
United States Ambassador to Greece - Nomination of William E. Schaufele, Jr
Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Nomination of Kent F. Hansen To Be a Member
Federal Home Loan Bank Board Nomination of Robert H. McKinney To Be a Member.
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Nomination of Blandina Carderms To Be Chief of the Children's Bureau.
United States Ambassador to Hungary - Nomination of Philip M. Kaiser
United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Nomination of John Newhouse To Be Assistant Director.
United States Liaison Office, People's Republic of China Nomination of Leonard Woodcock for the Rank of Ambassador While Serving as Chief of the Liaison Office.
United States Ambassador to Ireland - Nomination of William V. Shannon
European Office of the United Nations Nomination of William J. vanden Heuvel To Be the U.S. Representative.
Civil Aeronautics Board Nomination of Donald L. Tucker To Be a Member of the Board.
United States Ambassador to Austria Nomination of Milton A. Wolf.
Department of the Treasury Nomination of Robert H. Mundheim To Be General Counsel.
Announcement of an Office of Management and Budget Memorandum Proposing Improved Management Regarding Federal Audiovisual Activities
United States-Republic of China Agreement on Shoe Imports Announcement of Signing of an Orderly Marketing Agreement.
Urban Mass Transportation Administration Nomination of Richard S. Page To Be Administrator.
National Energy Plan Statement by the White House Press Secretary Following Congressional Actions on Portions of the Plan.
District of Columbia Judicial Nominating Panel Announcement of the Members of the Panel.
United States Ambassador to Senegal and The Gambia - Nomination of Herman J. Cohen
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Nomination of Julius B. Richmond To Be an Assistant Secretary for Health, and Medical Director in the Regular Corps and Surgeon General, Public Health Service.
Agency for International Development Nomination of Donald G. MacDonald To Be an Assistant Administrator.
Department of Agriculture Nomination of Leland E. Bartelt To Be Administrator of the Federal Grain Inspection Service.
Law Enforcement Assistance Administration Nomination of John M. Rector To Be Assistant Administrator.
Board for International Broadcasting Nomination of John A. Gronouski To Be a Member of the Board.
Agency for International Development Nomination of Goler T. Butcher and Alexander Shakow To Be Assistant Administrators.
Regional Commissions Nomination of the Federal Cochairmen of Eight Regional Commissions.
Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska Nomination of Esther C. Wunnicke To Be a Member.
Treasurer of the United States Nomination of Azie T. Morton.
Announcement of the Designation of Nelson Cruikshank as Chairman of the Federal Council on the Aging and Appointment as Counsellor to the President
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Nomination of Edward R. Fried To Be United States Executive Director.
Agency for International Development Nomination of Joseph C. Wheeler To Be an Assistant Administrator.
Department of Labor Nomination of Roland R. Mora To Be a Deputy Assistant Secretary.
Department of State Nomination of Richard M. Moose To Be an Assistant Secretary.
Department of Justice - Nomination of M. Carr Ferguson To Be Assistant Attorney General
United States Circuit Judge Nominating Panel for the Tenth Circuit Appointment of the Members of the Panel.
Community Services Administration Nomination of William W. Allison To Be Deputy Director.
Executive Committee on Reorganization Appointment of the Members of the Committee and Richard A. Pettigrew as Assistant to the President for Reorganization.
United States Circuit Judge Nominating Panel for the Third Circuit Appointment of the Members of the Panel.
Environmental Protection Agency Nomination of Thomas C. Jorling To Be an Assistant Administrator.