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Source of many WH announcements, readouts, press releases
Acts Approved by the President
Jimmy Carter
Department of Agriculture Nomination of Sarah Weddington To Be General Counsel.
Digest of Other White House Announcements
United Nations Nomination of Allard Kenneth Lowenstein To Be Alternate U.S. Representative for Special Political Affairs.
Checklist of White House Press Releases
United Nations Appointment of Edward M. Mezvinsky as U.S. Representative on the Human Rights Commission of the Economic and Social Council.
Nominations Submitted to the Senate
Community Services Administration Nomination of Robert S. Landmann To Be an Assistant Director.
National Institute of Education Nomination of Patricia A. Graham To Be Director.
Community Services Administration Nomination of John B. Gabusi To Be an Assistant Director.
Visit of Chancellor Schmidt of the Federal Republic of Germany White House Statement Issued at the Conclusion of the Chancellor's Visit.
Downing of U.S. Army Helicopter on Korean Peninsula Statement by the White House Press Secretary.
Federal Energy Administration Nomination of Hazel R. Rollins To Be an Assistant Administrator.
ACTION Nomination of Irene Tinker To Be an Assistant Director.
ACTION Nomination of Mary F. Leyland To Be an Assistant Director.
United States Circuit Judge Nominating Panel for the Fourth Circuit Announcement of the Membership of the Panel.
ACTION Nomination of John R. Lewis To Be an Associate Director.
Department of the Interior Nomination of Forrest J. Gerard To Be an Assistant Secretary.
United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development Nomination of Jean M. Wilkowski for the Rank of Ambassador.
Railroad Retirement Board Nomination of Earl Oliver To Be a Member.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nomination of Peter A. Bradlord To Be a Member.
Commodity Credit Corporation Nomination of Ray V. Fitzgerald To Be a Member of the Board of Directors.
United States Ambassador to Guyana Nomination of John R. Burke.
United States Ambassador to Nicaragua Nomination of Mauricio Solaun.
United States Ambassador to Bulgaria Nomination of Raymond L. Garthoff.
Council on Wage and Price Stability Nomination of Barry P. Bosworth To Be Director.
United States Ambassador to the German Democratic Republic Nomination of David B. Bolen.
International Conferences on Fish and Wildlife Matters Nomination of John D. Negroponte for the Rank of Ambassador While Representing the United States.
Department of Justice Nomination of John H. Shenefield To Be an Assistant Attorney General.
Civil Aeronautics Board Nomination of Elizabeth E. Bailey To Be a Member.
Presidential Medal of Freedom Announcement of Award to the Rev. Martin Luther King, It., and Dr. Jonas E. Salk.
United States Ambassador to Uruguay Nomination of Lawrence A. Pezzullo.