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Source of many WH announcements, readouts, press releases
United States Ambassador to Switzerland - Nomination of Marvin L. Warner
Jimmy Carter
Appalachian Regional Commission Nomination of Robert W. Scott To Be Federal Cochairman.
International Monetary Fund - Nomination of Thomas B.C. Leddy To Be Alternate U.S. Executive Director
Department of the Treasury Nomination of John G. Heimann To Be Comptroller of the Currency.
Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe Nomination of Albert W. Sherer, It., tot the Rank of Ambassador While Serving as Head of the U.S. Delegation to a Meeting.
United States Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Nomination of John C. West.
United Nations Economic and Social Council Nomination of Melissa F. Wells To Be U.S. Representative.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Nomination of Robert A. Frosch To Be Administrator.
White House Fellows Appointment of 14 Fellows for the 1977-78 Program.
International Monetary Fund Nomination of Sam Y. Cross, It., To Be U.S. Executive Director.
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Nomination of Herbert Salzman To Be U.S. Representative.
United States Ambassador to Pakistan Nomination of Arthur W. Hummel, Jr.
Department of Labor Nomination of Xavier M. Vela To Be Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division.
United States Ambassador to Sierra Leone - Nomination of John A. Linehan
Department of the Air Force Nomination of Hans M. Mark To Be Under Secretary.
District of Columbia Courts Announcement of Decision on Two Positions.
President's Commission on White House Fellowships Appointment of Members and Designation of Chairman.
Digest of Other White House Announcements
Nominations Submitted to the Senate
Federal Energy Administration Nomination of Robert R. Nordhaus To Be an Assistant Administrator.