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Source of many WH announcements, readouts, press releases
Checklist of White House Press Releases
Jimmy Carter
Announcement on the President's Proposal on Federal Civilian and Military Pay Increases
United States Representative to the United Nations Nomination of Donald F. McHenry.
Digest of Other White House Announcements
Nominations Submitted to the Senate
United States Ambassador to the Kingdom of Tonga and Tuvalu Nomination of John P. Condon.
Department of State Nomination of Thomas M. Tracy To Be an Assistant Secretary.
National Advisory Council on Adult Education Appointment of 10 Members.
Advisory Panel on Financing Elementary and Secondary Education Appointment of 15 Members and Designation of Chairman.
United States Court of Military Appeals Nominating Commission Appointment of the Membership.
United States Ambassador to Nigeria Nomination of Stephen Low.
International Civil Aviation Organization Appointment of Clyde W. Pace, It., as Alternate U.S. Representative.
Counsel to the President Appointment of Lloyd N. Cutler.
Acts Approved by the President