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Source of many WH announcements, readouts, press releases
National Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere Appointment of 18 Members.
Jimmy Carter
United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Nomination of 13 Members of the General Advisory Committee.
International North Pacific Fisheries Commission Appointment of Dennis A. Grotting as Commissioner of the United States Section.
President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped Appointment of Charles H. Pillard as Vice Chairman.
Secretary of State Vance's Trip to the Middle East White House Statement on the President's Meeting With Secretary Vance.
Nominations Submitted to the Senate
Digest of Other White House Announcements
Checklist of White House Press Releases
South Pacific Commission Appointment of Vernon A. Mund as an Alternate U.S. Representative.
United States Ambassador to Gabon and to Sao Tome and Principe Nomination of Arthur T. Tienken.