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Visit of Pope John Paul II White House Statement.
Jimmy Carter
The Nation's Economy White House Statement on Actions by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
Treaty on the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms White House Statement on a Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Report.
Meeting With President William R. Tolbert, Jr., of Liberia White House Statement.
Saudi Arabian Crude Oil Production White House Statement.
August Consumer Price Index White House Statement.
Meeting With Members of the Nicaraguan Junta White House Statement.
Panama Canal Treaties; White House Statement on Disapproval of Implementing Legislation by the House of` Representatives.
Energy Legislation Statement by the White House Press Secretary on Congressional Actions.
Meeting With President Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire White House Statement.
Meeting With Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher of the Federal Republic of Germany White House Statement.
Meeting With President Ahmed Sekou Toure of Guinea White House Statement.
Meeting With United Nations Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim White House Statement.
Meeting With Prime Minister Abel Tendekai Muzorewa of Rhodesia White House Statement.
United States International Development Cooperation Agency White House Statement on Congressional Approval of Reorganization Proposals.
Camp David Meetings on Domestic Issues Statements by the White House Press Secretary on the President's Activities.
Tokyo, Japan White House Statement on Meetings With Prime Minister Joe Clark of Canada and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of the United Kingdom.
Tokyo, Japan White House Statement on the Consultative Group on US-Japan Economic Relations.
Independent Truckers' Strikes White House Statement.
Meeting With Vice President Muhammad Husni Mubarak of Egypt White House Statement.
Meeting With Chancellor Schmidt of the Federal Republic of Germany White House Statement.
Decontrol of Domestic Oil Prices White House Statement on the House Democratic Caucus Vote Opposing Decontrol.
Three Mile Island Nuclear Facility White House Statement.
Urban Aid Program Funds Statement by the White House Press Secretary.
Alexandria, Egypt White House Statement Following a Meeting Between President Carter and President Sadat.
Cairo, Egypt White House Statement Following a Meeting Between President Carter and President Sadat.
Meeting With Prime Minister Menahem Begin of Israel White House Statement.
Meeting With Prime Minister Begin of Israel White House Statement.
Strategic Arms Limitation White House Statement.
Development and Military Assistance Programs in Afghanistan Statement by the White House Press Secretary.
Anti-inflation Program White House Statement on a Meeting With Government officials To Discuss Competition Policy.
National Health Plan Legislation White House Statement.
National Advisory Committee for Women White House Statement.
Meeting With Prime Minister J. Malcolm Fraser of Australia White House Statement.
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries White House Statement on the Organization's Increase in Oil Prices.
Meeting With the President of the Commission of the European Communities White House Statement.
Veterans Preference in Employment White House Statement.
Statement by the White House Press Secretary on the Death of Three Newsmen in Guyana
Meeting With King Khalid of Saudi Arabia White House Statement.
Egyptian-Israeli Peace Negotiations White House Statement Following Meetings With the Israeli and Egyptian Delegations.
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Resignation of Paul C. Warnke as Director of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and Negotiator for the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
Meeting With President Spyros Kyprianou of Cyprus White House Statement.
Orlando, Florida White House Statement on the President's Meeting With United Nations Secretary General Kurt Waldheim.
Meeting With President Gaafar Muhammed Nimeiri of the Sudan White Home Statement.
Meeting With the Chief of the Liaison Office of the People's Republic of China White House Statement.
Meeting With State Governors White House Statement.
Natural Gas Legislation White House Statement.
World Conference To Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination White House Statement.
Discount Rate Increase White House Statement on the Federal Reserve Board Action.
Foreign Exchange Markets White House Statement.
Camp David Meeting on the Middle East Statement by the White House Press Secretary.
Association of South-East Asian Nations White House Statement Issued Following a Meeting With Ministers From the Association.
Bonn Economic Summit Conference White House Statement on the West German Government's Commitment.
Arms Embargo Against Turkey Statement by the White House Press Secretary Following Senate Action.
The Situation in Cyprus White House Statement.
Agreement on Namibia White House Statement.
Trade Negotiations in Geneva, Switzerland White House Statement.