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Statement by the Press Secretary on Somalia's New Federal Parliament
Barack Obama
Statement by the Press Secretary on World Humanitarian Day
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Earthquake in Iran
Statement by the Press Secretary on Key Trade Measures in H.R. 5986
Statement by the Press Secretary on Additional $12 Million in U.S. Humanitarian Assistance to Syria
Statement by the Press Secretary on Cybersecurity Legislation Vote
Statement by the Press Secretary on the House of Representatives Vote to Extend Tax Cuts
Statement by the Press Secretary
Statement by the Press Secretary on the President's Meeting with Ambassador Crocker
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Arrest of Activists in Cuba
White House Statement on the Senate's Passage of the Middle Class Tax Cut Extension
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Death of Oswaldo Payá
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Bring Jobs Home Act
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Announcement of Libyan Election Results
Statement by the Press Secretary on H.R. 205, the Helping Expedite and Advance Responsible Tribal Homeownership Act (HEARTH Act)
Statement From Press Secretary Jay Carney on the Small Business Jobs Bill
Statement by the Press Secretary on European Union Actions on Iranian Oil
Statement by the Press Secretary on Recent Attacks in Kenya
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Death of Yitzhak Shamir
Statement by the Press Secretary on Passage of Legislation Regarding Highway Construction and Student Loan Interest Rates
Statement by White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer on Today's Contempt Vote in the U.S. House of Representatives
Statement by the Press Secretary on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture
Statement by the Press Secretary on Student Loan Interest Rates
Statement by the Press Secretary on Egypt
Statement by the Press Secretary on Elections in Greece
Statement by the Press Secretary on National Security Advisor to the Vice President Tony Blinken's Travel to Iraq
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Presidential Determination Pursuant to Section 1245(d)(4)(B) and (C) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012
Statement by the Press Secretary on the President's Meeting with President Aquino of the Philippines
Statement by the Press Secretary on Syria
Statement by the Press Secretary on the 2012 National Level Exercise
Statement by the Press Secretary on the President Signing the Border Tunnel Prevention Act of 2012
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Visit of President Benigno Aquino of the Philippines
Statement by the Press Secretary on Student Loan Interest Rate Votes in the Senate
Statement by the Press Secretary on John Brennan's Call With President Hadi of Yemen
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Confirmation of Jay Powell and Jeremy Stein as Members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Statement by the Press Secretary on Today's Executive Order on Yemen's Peace, Security, and Stability
Statement by the Press Secretary on Uganda's Capture of a Senior Commander in the Lord's Resistance Army
Statement by the Press Secretary on Senate Republicans Blocking Bill to Prevent Student Interest Rates from Doubling
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Visit of NATO Secretary-General Rasmussen
Statement by the Press Secretary on the President's Call to President Sarkozy of France
Statement by the Press Secretary on the President's Call to President-elect Hollande of France
Statement by the Press Secretary on the President's Invitation to African Leaders to Join Camp David Summit
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Verdict in the Charles Taylor Trial at the Special Court for Sierra Leone
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Horn of Africa Humanitarian Crisis
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Visit by Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda of Japan
Statement by the Press Secretary on Guinea Bissau
Statement by the Press Secretary on North Korea's Missile Launch
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Situation in Bahrain
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Attack on the National Theater in Mogadishu, Somalia
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Elections in Burma
Statement by the Press Secretary on House Passage of the 90-Day Surface Transportation Extension
Statement by the Press Secretary on Senate Action on the Buffett Rule
Statement by the Press Secretary on Clashes Along the Border of Sudan and South Sudan
Statement by the Press Secretary on John Brennan's Call with President Hadi of Yemen
Statement by the Press Secretary on President Obama's Meeting with Prime Minister Gilani of Pakistan
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Ryan Republican Budget
Statement by the Press Secretary on Mali
Statement by White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer on the Ryan Republican Budget