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Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Nuclear Planning Group of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Ronald Reagan
White House Statement on the Commission on Civil Rights
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Death of American and French Military Personnel in Beirut, Lebanon
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Intermediate- Range Nuclear Force Negotiations
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on Immigration Reform Legislation
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Postponement of the President's Visits to the Philippines, Indonesia, and Thailand
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on Arms Control and Reduction Negotiations and the Soviet Statement on United States Foreign Policy
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Situation in Kampuchea
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Soviet Attack on a Korean Civilian Airliner
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Resignation of Prime Minister Menachem Begin of Israel
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on United States Marine Casualties in Lebanon
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on Employment Statistics for August
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Death of Two United States Marines in Lebanon
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the President's Meeting With Senator John Tower of Texas
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Assassination of Benigno S. Aquino, Jr.
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Situation in Lebanon
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on Hurricane Damage in Texas
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Situation in Chad
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Situation in Northern Africa
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on a United States- Soviet Union Grain Sales Agreement
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Situation in Central America
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Release of David Dodge in Beirut, Lebanon
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Situation in the Middle East
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Economic Recovery
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the President's Trip to Indonesia, Japan, and the Republic of Korea
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on Providing a United States Medical Team to El Salvador
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the President's Meeting With NATO Secretary General Joseph M. A. H. Luns
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Death of Federal Diplomatic and Military Personnel in Beirut, Lebanon
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on Defense Spending
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Fiscal Year 1984 Budget
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Release of the Technology, Growth, and Employment Report
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on Proposed Employment Legislation
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Environmental Protection Agency