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Address at the Milwaukee Auditorium in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Woodrow Wilson
Address at The Chicago Auditorium in Chicago, Illinois
Address At the Cleveland Armory in Cleveland, Ohio
Address to an Overflow Meeting at Soldiers' Memorial Hall in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvanis
Address At Soldiers' Memorial Hall in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Address to the Seventh Annual Dinner of the Railway Business Association in New York City
Address to the Interdenominational Meeting at Aeolian Hall in New York City
Address at the First Annual Banquet Of the Motion Picture Board of Trade in New York City
Executive Order 2285—Requiring American Citizens Traveling Abroad to Procure Passports
Third Annual Message
Executive Order 2273—Colorado River Indian Reservation
Address at the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Manhattan Club in New York City
Executive Order 2269—Suspending Operation of the Act to Promote the Welfare of American Seamen and to Forbid Their Arrest and Imprisonment for Desertion
Executive Order 2268—Establishing a United States Sheep Experiment Station
Executive Order 2262—Prescribing Consular Regulations for Maintaining the Rights and Enforcing the Duties of American Sailors in Foreign Ports
Proclamation 1316—Thanksgiving Day, 1915
Proclamation 1315—Concerning the Shipment of Arms into Mexico
Address to the Daughters of the American Revolution
Address at the Grand Army of the Republic Celebration at Camp Emery in Washington, DC
Proclamation 1311—Opening to Settlement Lands Within the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation
Proclamation 1310—Modifying the Boundaries of the Cleveland National Forest
Executive Order 2223—Siletz Indian Reservation
Proclamation 1301—Opening to Settlement Lands Within the Crow Indian Reservation
Address at Flag Day Exercises of the Treasury Department
Memorial Day Remarks at Arlington Cemetery
Address at the Pan American Financial Conference
Address at the Luncheon Tendered to the President by the Mayor's Committee in New York City
Address to Naturalized Citizens at Convention Hall, Philadelphia
Executive Order 2185—Changing the Name of Culebra Cut to Gaillard Cut
Address at the Associated Press Luncheon in New York City
Proclamation 1290—Opening Lands in the Standing Rock Indian Reservation, North and South Dakota
Executive Order 2138—Military Reservation for the National Guard
Address Before the United States Chamber of Commerce
Executive Order 2133—Relating to Indians on Public Domain
Address at the Mid-Year Conference of the American Electric Railway Association
Veto Message
"Jackson Day" Address at Indianapolis, Indiana
Second Annual Message
Proclamation 1287—Neutrality: Panama Canal Zone
Proclamation 1284—Thanksgiving Day, 1914
Executive Order 2067—Gray's Lake Administrative Site (Near Caribou National Forest) Idaho
Address at the Young Men's Christian Association's Celebration, Pittsburgh: "The Power of Christian Young Men"
Address Before the American Bar Association: "The Opinion of the World"
Message to Congress Expressing Appreciation for Legislative Work
Executive Order 2060—Alaskan Townsite Withdrawal No. 4
Proclamation 1282—Disposal of Lands in the Crow Indian Reservation, Montana
Executive Order 2051—To Amend the Canal Zone Law Against Gambling
Executive Order 2052—To Amend the Executive Order of March 20, 1914, Relating to Compensation to be Paid to Injured Employees of the Panama Canal and Panama Railroad Company
Executive Order 2047—Setting Aside Public Land for an Elk Refuge
Executive Order 2048—To Divide Administrative Site Within Oregon National Forest, Oregon
Executive Order 2046—Ranger Station for Clear Creek Administrative Site Near Coconino National Forest, Arizona
Executive Order 2045—Combining Manzano and Zuni National Forests in Arizona and New Mexico
Executive Order 2044—Appointing Experts for War Risk Insurance in Treasury Department
Executive Order 2042—Taking Over High-Power Radio Station for Use of the Government
Address to a Joint Session of Congress: "Appeal for Additional Revenue"
Executive Order 2039—Admitting Foreign-Built Ships to American Registry
Executive Order 2030—Gila River Reservation
Executive Order 2031—Designating Customs Collection Districts
Executive Order 2029—Transferring Deadmans Island to the Health Service
Message on Neutrality