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Letter to the Secretary, HEW, Delegating Authority in Connection With the Worldwide Drug Reaction Monitoring System.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Remarks at the Democratic Congressional Dinner.
Proclamation 3782—National Maritime Day, 1967
Proclamation 3783—Small Business Week, 1967
Remarks at a Reception for Participants in the Conference on Women in the War on Poverty.
Remarks in Austin, Texas, at the Unveiling of a Bust of Former Mayor Tom Miller.
Statement by the President on the "Share Your Summer" Program for Disadvantaged Children.
Special Message to the Congress Transmitting Reports on Incentive Awards to Military Personnel
Special Message to the Congress Recommending Procedures To Complete Collective Bargaining in the Railway Labor Dispute
The President's News Conference
Remarks to the State Directors of the Selective Service System
Remarks at a Dinner Honoring John W. McCormack, Speaker of the House of Representatives
Executive Order 11350—Amending the Selective Service Regulations
Remarks Upon Presenting the Medal of Honor Posthumously to Staff Sgt. Peter S. Connor, USMC
Letter to the President of the Senate Requesting Supplemental Appropriations for Summer Youth Programs.
Remarks at the Swearing In of Betty Furness as Special Assistant to the President for Consumer Affairs.
Remarks at the Reception for the 1966-1967 White House Fellows
Executive Order 11349—Amending Executive Order No. 11136, Relating to the President's Commission on Consumer Interests and the Consumer Advisory Council
Annual Message to the Congress: The President's Manpower Report.
Statement by the President Upon Authorizing Construction of a Prototype Supersonic Transport Aircraft.
Statement by the President on the Preservation of the Egyptian Abu Simbel Temples.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Urging Further Extension of the "No Strike" Period in the Railroad Dispute
Remarks at a Luncheon for General Westmoreland.
The President's Introduction of Martha Raye at the Luncheon for General Westmoreland.
Proclamation 3781—Rush-Bagot Agreement Days
Remarks at the Dedication of the Crossland Vocational Center, Camp Springs, Maryland.
Remarks to Members of the American Physical Society.
Exchange of Remarks With Chancellor Kurt Kiesinger Following Discussions in Bonn.
Telegram to the Governors Inviting Them to a Luncheon Honoring General Westmoreland.
Message to President Podgorny on the Death of Soviet Cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov.
Statement by the President on Offering Assistance Following Tornadoes in the Midwest.
Statement by the President Upon Receiving Report of Special Panel To Investigate the Railroad Labor Dispute.
Message to the Congress Transmitting First Annual Report of the National Advisory Council on Extension and Continuing Education
Memorandum on Air Pollution
Executive Order 11346—Placing an Additional Position in Level V of the Federal Salary Schedule
Statement by the President Concerning a Report on the Teacher Corps.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Order Providing Further Training for Government Employees.
Executive Order 11347—Amendment of Executive Order No. 11210, Establishing a Temporary Commission on Pennsylvania Avenue
Executive Order 11348—Providing for the Further Training of Government Employees
Executive Order 11345—Establishment of the Great Lakes Basin Commission