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Statement by the President Following a Meeting With Officers of the National Alliance of Businessmen.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Memorandum Directing Agency Cooperation With the Cabinet Committee on Price Stability
Statement by the President Summarizing Actions on the Recommendations of the Inter-Agency Committee on Mexican American Affairs.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Proposing a Bill To Simplify the Entry of Foreign Visitors
Memorandum Establishing the Cabinet Committee on Price Stability
Special Message to the Congress on Urban Problems: "The Crisis of the Cities."
Remarks to a Group of State Employment Service Directors.
Message to the Congress Transmitting Annual Report of the Civil Service Commission.
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Commodity Exchange Act Amendments.
Statement by the President Upon Receiving Report of the Industry-Government Special Task Force on Travel.
Letter to Senator Hart Expressing His Views on Pending Civil Rights Legislation.
Remarks on the Flight Deck of the U.S.S. Constellation
Remarks at El Toro Marine Corps Air Station, California
Remarks at Fort Bragg, North Carolina
The President's News Conference
Letter Accepting Resignation of Alexander B. Trowbridge as Secretary of Commerce.
Remarks at the Swearing In of Merton J. Peck as a Member, Council of Economic Advisers, and Upon Designating Arthur M. Okun as Chairman
Remarks to the Washington Chapter of the National Conference of Christians and Jews.
Remarks at a Ceremony Inaugurating a Program of Community Service Projects for Older Americans.
Message to the Inter-American Cultural Council, Meeting in Maracay, Venezuela.
Remarks Upon Signing the Savings and Loan Holding Company Amendments of 1967
Statement by the President on Secretary Gardner's Decision To Serve as Chairman of the Urban Coalition.
Statement by the President on the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America
Remarks Upon Presenting the 1967 National Medal of Science Awards
Proclamation 3829—American History Month, 1968
Message to the Congress Transmitting Annual Report of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency.
Proclamation 3828—Law Day, U.S.A., 1968
Remarks at a Ceremony Commemorating the 159th Birthday of Abraham Lincoln
Proclamation 3827—LULAC Week
Statement by the President Upon Signing Proclamation Marking the Anniversary of the League of United Latin American Citizens
Remarks to a Group of Benito Juarez Scholars.
Executive Order 11397—Authorizing Transitional Appointments of Veterans Who Have Served During the Vietnam Era
Statement by the President Upon Signing Order Authorizing Transitional Civil Service Appointments to "Vietnam Era" Veterans.
Toasts of the President and Prime Minister Wilson of the United Kingdom
Message to the Congress Transmitting Annual Report of the National Endowment for the Arts.
Special Message to the Congress on the Foreign Assistance Programs: "To Build the Peace."
Statement by the President on Appointing New Members of the National Council on the Humanities.
Remarks Upon Announcing Plans for the Rebuilding of the Silver Bridge, West Virginia-Ohio.
Special Message to the Congress on Crime and Law Enforcement: "To Insure the Public Safety."
Remarks Upon Signing Order Providing for the Coordination by the Attorney General of Federal Law Enforcement and Crime Prevention Programs