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Annual Budget Message to the Congress, Fiscal Year 1970.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Remarks at the Signing of the Budget Message, Fiscal Year 1970.
Message to the Congress Transmitting Annual Report on the Foreign Assistance Program.
Statement by the President Upon Receiving Report on U.S.. Foreign Trade Policy.
Remarks at a Reception for the Secretary of State and Mrs. Rusk.
Annual Message to the Congress on the State of the Union
Presidential Unit Citation Awarded to 41st Regimental Headquarters, 1st and 3d Battalions, 41st Regiment, and to 3d Troop, 8th Reconnaissance Squadron, ARVN
Remarks Upon Presenting the Presidential Unit Citation to SEAL TEAM ONE, USN.
Executive Order 11444—Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate Disputes Between the Carriers Represented by the National Railway Labor Conference and Certain of Their Employees
Executive Order 11443—Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate Disputes Between the Carriers Represented by the National Railway Labor Conference and Certain of Their Employees
Letter to Committee Chairmen on the Tariff on Imports of Reprocessed Wool Fabrics and Blends.
Executive Order 11445—Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate Disputes Between the Carriers Represented by the National Railway Labor Conference and Certain of Their Employees
Remarks in New York City at a Farewell Dinner Honoring the President.
Memorandum to Agencies Transmitting Report on Career Training for Young Federal Employees
Remarks at the National Headquarters of the AFL-CIO.
Proclamation 3885—Proclamation Terminating Bilateral Trade Agreement With Switzerland
Statement by the President on the Retirement of the President's Physician, Vice Adm. George G. Burkley, USN
Remarks Upon Presenting the Distinguished Service Medal to Gen. Earle G. Wheeler
Message to the Congress Transmitting Annual Report of the Civil Service Commission.
Remarks Upon Presenting the NASA Distinguished Service Medal to the Apollo 8 Astronauts
Remarks at a Meeting With the Secretary of the Interior-Designate.
Statement by the President Upon Receiving the Pan American Society's Gold Medal Award.
Message to the Congress Transmitting Annual Reports of Four River Basin Commissions.
Remarks Upon Receiving the Holland Society's Award for Distinguished Achievement
Remarks at the Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Joseph H. Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden.
The President's Remarks to Reporters Following His Meeting With the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare-Designate
Remarks to Reporters Following a Meeting With the Joint Congressional Leadership
Remarks Upon Receiving Report of the President's Committee on Population and Family Planning.
Message to the Congress Transmitting Annual Report of the Peace Corps.
Proclamation 3884—Proclamation Amending Part 3 of the Appendix to the Tariff Schedules of the United States With Respect to the Importation of Agricultural Commodities
Remarks to Reporters Following a Congressional Leadership Breakfast
Remarks With Mrs. Johnson and Congressional Leaders at a Reception for the President.
Statement by the President Upon Releasing Report on Problems Involved in Powerplant Site Selection.
Exchange of Letters With President de Gaulle of France.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House on the Tax Reform Proposals.
Statement by the President on the Death of Trygve Lie.
Presidential Unit Citation Awarded to Troops A, B, C, and D and to Headquarters and Headquarters Troop, 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalry, 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile), USA
The President's News Conference
The President's Remarks to Educational Leaders Upon Being Honored for His Contributions in the Field of Education.
Interview With the President and Mrs. Johnson on a Recorded Program: "A View From the White House."