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Executive Order 11554—Suspending the Provisions of Section 5707(c) of Title 10, United States Code, Which Relate to the Establishment of a Maximum Percentage of Navy Officers Who May Be Recommended for Promotion From Below the Appropriate Promotion Zone
Richard Nixon
Statement Urging Senate Action on the Family Assistance Bill.
Proclamation 3998—Fiftieth Anniversary of Woman Suffrage
Executive Order 11553—Amending the Selective Service Regulations
Labor Day Statement.
Executive Order 11552—Providing for Details and Transfers of Federal Employees to International Organizations
Proclamation 3997—National Hispanic Heritage Week, 1970
Remarks at the Start of the Vice President's Asian Trip.
Toasts of the President and President Diaz Ordaz at a Luncheon Honoring the President of Mexico
Joint Statement Following Discussions With President Diaz Ordaz of Mexico.
Toasts of the President and President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz of Mexico at a Luncheon Honoring President Nixon
Remarks to Reporters by the President and President Diaz Ordaz of Mexico Announcing a Boundary Agreement
Remarks on Arrival at Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Statement About the Inter-American Social Development Institute
Message to the Senate Transmitting the Geneva Protocol of 1925 on Chemical and Bacteriological Methods of Warfare.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Dr. Lee A. DuBridge as Science Adviser to the President and Director of the Office of Science and Technology
Letter to the Majority and Minority Leaders of the Senate Concerning Funding for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
Statement Urging Congressional Action on the Federal Economy Act.
Statement on Signing Bill Extending the Defense Production Act.
Remarks on Arrival in New Orleans, Louisiana
Remarks Following a Meeting in New Orleans With Leaders of Seven State Advisory Committees on Public Education
Message to the Senate Transmitting Additional Protocol II to the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America
Statement on Signing Bill To Increase Rates of Compensation for Disabled Veterans.
Remarks on Signing the Postal Reorganization Act
Remarks Announcing the Vetoing of Two Appropriations Bills
Executive Order 11551—Amending Executive Order No. 11399 With Respect to the Membership of the National Council on Indian Opportunity
Vetoes of Appropriations Bills for the Office of Education and for Independent Offices and the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Message to the Congress Transmitting the First Report of the National Corporation for Housing Partnerships.
Statement on Signing the Employment Security Amendments of 1970.
Remarks on Signing the Employment Security Amendments of 1970
Message to the Congress Transmitting the First Annual Report of the Council on Environmental Quality.
Remarks on Inscribing a Copy of the Report of the Council on Environmental Quality for the Council Staff.
Statement on Appointing Frank Borman as Special Representative on Prisoners of War.
Message to the Congress Transmitting the Annual Report;' on the National Wilderness Preservation System.
Memorandum on Federal Reporting and Paperwork
Toasts of the President and President Mobutu of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Remarks of Welcome to President Joseph Desire Mobutu of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Remarks to Newsmen in Denver, Colorado
Remarks on Arrival at the Federal Office Building in Denver, Colorado
Statement About Remarks in Denver, Colorado