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Special Message
Abraham Lincoln
Message to Congress Recommending a Vote of Thanks for Commander John L. Worden
Message to Congress Requesting Funds to Compensate the Owners of the Jules et Marie
Second Annual Message
Executive Order—Prohibiting the Export of Arms and Munitions of War
Executive Order—General Order Respecting the Observance of the Sabbath Day in the Army and Navy
Executive Order—Concerning the Confiscation Act
Executive Order—Concerning Blockade
Executive Order
Executive Order—Relieving General G. B. McClellan and Making Other Changes
Memorandum Regarding Captain Derrickson
Executive Order—Establishing a Provisional Court in Louisiana
Remarks to the Army of the Potomac at Frederick, Maryland
Proclamation 94—Suspending the Writ of Habeas Corpus
Proclamation 93—Declaring the Objectives of the War Including Emancipation of Slaves in Rebellious States on January 1, 1863
Order to General H.W. Halleck