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Remarks to the Los Angeles Lakers, the National Basketball Association Champions
Ronald Reagan
Statement on Soviet and United States Compliance With Arms Control Agreements
Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report on Soviet and United States Compliance With Arms Control Agreements
Radio Address to the Nation on United States Assistance for the Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Economic Editors During a White House Briefing on Tax Reform
Remarks at Northside High School in Atlanta, Georgia
Remarks at a Fund-raising Luncheon for Senator Jeremiah Denton in Birmingham, Alabama
Remarks at the AT&T Technologies Plant in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Remarks at a Fund-raising Luncheon for Senator Don Nickles in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Remarks at a Fund-raising Dinner for Senator Mack Mattingly in Atlanta, Georgia
Remarks on Tax Reform at a Meeting With Corporate Leaders
Proclamation 5349—Youth Suicide Prevention Month, 1985
Message to the Congress on Trade With Hungary, China, and Romania
Memorandum on Trade With Hungary, China, and Romania
Executive Order 12518—Trade in Services
Radio Address to the Nation on Tax Reform
Remarks at the Great Valley Corporate Center in Malvern, Pennsylvania
Message to the Congress Reporting on the Whaling Activities of the Soviet Union
Remarks at the "Prelude to Independence" Celebration in Williamsburg, Virginia
Remarks on Arrival in Oshkosh, Wisconsin