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Statement on Signing the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1999
William J. Clinton
Message to the Congress on Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Significant Narcotics Traffickers Centered in Colombia
Remarks on Departure for the Wye River Middle East Peace Talks and an Exchange With Reporters
Statement on Signing the Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act
Statement on Violence in the Republic of Georgia
Executive Order 13104—Amendment to Executive Order 13021, Tribal Colleges and Universities
Notice—Continuation of Emergency With Respect to Significant Narcotics Traffickers Centered in Colombia
Statement on Signing the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 1999
The President's Radio Address
Statement on Signing the Strom Thurmond National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1999
Remarks at a Luncheon for Senator Carol Moseley-Braun in Chicago, Illinois
Remarks on the Budget Agreement
Statement Announcing the Award of the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Chancellor Helmut Kohl of Germany
Proclamation 7142—National Forest Products Week, 1998
Proclamation 7141—National Character Counts Week, 1998
Remarks at the White House Conference on School Safety
Remarks on the Budget Agreement and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks at the Plenary Session of the Wye River Conference on the Middle East in Queenstown, Maryland
Proclamation 7140—White Cane Safety Day, 1998
Remarks Following Discussions With Israeli and Palestinian Leaders and an Exchange With Reporters