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Statement on United States Policy Toward Cuba
William J. Clinton
Remarks Announcing a Long-Term Health Care Initiative
Statement on the Launch of the New European Currency
The President's Radio Address
Statement on the Decline in the National Murder Rate
Statement on Efforts To Increase Child Support Collections
Notice—Continuation of Libyan Emergency
Letter to Congressional Leaders on Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Libya
Letter to Congressional Leaders Reporting on the National Emergency With Respect to Libya
Letter to Congressional Leaders Transmitting a Plan and Report on Reorganization of the Foreign Affairs Agencies
Remarks Announcing the Children Exposed to Violence Initiative
Letter to Congressional Leaders Transmitting a Report on the Emigration Policies and Trade Status of Certain Former Eastern Bloc States
Remarks Announcing Social Security System Compliance With Year 2000 Computer Problem Safeguards
Statement on the 1997 National Crime Victimization Survey
Statement on the National Economy
Memorandum on Funding for the Korean Peninsula Development Organization
Statement on United Nations Efforts Toward a Political Settlement in Cyprus
Proclamation 7161—Extending United States Copyright Protections to the Works of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Remarks at a Housing and Urban Development Grant Announcement in Baltimore, Maryland