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Proclamation 338—Opening to Settlement Certain Lands in the State of Montana Ceded by the Crow Tribe of Indians
Benjamin Harrison
Executive Order—Amendment of Civil Service Rules
Executive Order
Proclamation 337—Tolls on Freight Passing Through the St. Mary's Falls Canal
Proclamation 336—Law and Order in the State of Wyoming
Proclamation 335—400th Anniversary of the Discovery of America by Columbus
Proclamation 334—Law and Order in the State of Idaho
Proclamation 333—Setting Apart as a Public Reservation Certain Lands in the State of Colorado
Proclamation 332—Setting Apart as a Public Reservation Certain Lands in the State of Oregon
Proclamation 331—Modifications of the Tariff Laws of Austria-Hungary
Proclamation 330—Modifications of the Tariff Laws of Guatemala
Proclamation 329—Modifications of the Tariff Laws of Honduras
Proclamation 328—Copyright Agreement with the German Empire
Proclamation 327—Opening to Settlement Certain Lands Acquired from the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians
Proclamation 326—Opening to Settlement Lands Acquired from the Sisseton and Wahpeton Bands of Dakota or Sioux Indians
Proclamation 325—Clarifying the Boundaries of a Public Reservation in Colorado
Proclamation 324—Modifications of the Tariff Laws of Colombia
Proclamation 323—Modifications of the Tariff Laws of Haiti
Proclamation 322—Modifications of the Tariff Laws of Venezuela
Proclamation 321—Modifications of the Tariff Laws of Nicaragua
Executive Order—Amendments of Civil Service Rules
Proclamation 320—Prohibiton of Hunting Fur-Bearing Animals in Alaska and Bering Sea
Proclamation 319—Setting Apart as a Public Reservation Certain Lands in the State of Colorado
Proclamation 317—Modifications of the Tariff Laws of the German Empire
Proclamation 318—Modifications of the Tariff Laws of Great Britain
Proclamation 316—Setting Apart as a Public Reservation Certain Lands in the Territory of New Mexico
Proclamation 315—Modifications of the Tariff Laws of Salvador
Proclamation 314—Suspending the Collection of Tonnage Duties on Ships From Ports in Tobago
Proclamation 313—Thanksgiving Day, 1891
Proclamation 312—Setting Apart as a Public Reservation Certain Lands in the State of Colorado
Executive Order—Extension of Hoopa Valley Reservation Boundaries
Executive Order—Civil Service: Indian Rules
Proclamation 311—Opening to Settlement Lands Acquired from the Sac and Fox Nation of Indians, Oklahoma Territory
Proclamation 310—Clarifying the Boundaries of a Public Forest Reservation in Wyoming
Proclamation 309—Modifications of the Tariff Laws of the Dominican Republic
Proclamation 308—Modifications of the Tariff Laws of Cuba and Puerto Rico
Executive Order—Death of Hannibal Hamlin
Proclamation 307—Copyright Protections for Citizens of Belgium, France, Great Britain, and Switzerland
Proclamation 306—Modus Vivendi Respecting the Fur-Seal Fisheries
Proclamation 305—Fort Berthold Reservation in the State of North Dakota
Executive Order—Civil Service: Classification of Indian Service
Proclamation 304—Prohibiton of Hunting Fur-Bearing Animals in Alaska and Bering Sea
Proclamation 303—Withdrawal of Yellowstone Park Lands for Forest Reserve, Wyoming