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Executive Order—Reserving From Sale for Public Purposes Certain Lands in the Bay of San Francisco, California
Millard Fillmore
Proclamation 54—Suspension of Discriminating Tonnage and Import Duties on Vessels from Chile
Order of the President [on death of Zachary Taylor]
Proclamation—Convention Between the United States of America and Her Britannic Majesty
Zachary Taylor
Proclamation 53—Establishment of Nasqually and Portland, Oregon, as Ports of Delivery
Proclamation 52—Revoking the Exequatur of the Spanish Consul at New Orleans
Proclamation 51—Warning to United States Citizens Against Participating in an Unlawful Invasion of Cuba
Proclamation—Day of Fasting, Humiliation, and Prayer
Executive Order [on the death of James K. Polk]
Proclamation 50—Declaring Whitehall, New York, a Port of Delivery
James K. Polk
Proclamation—Convening an Extra Session of the United States Senate
Proclamation—Announcing a Treay of Peace Between the United States of America and the Mexican Republic Signed at the City of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Executive Order—Death of John Quincy Adams
Proclamation 49—Suspension of Discriminating Duties of Tonnage and Imports on Vessels from Brazil
Proclamation 48A—Suspension of Trade Restrictions with Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Executive Order
Proclamation 48—Announcement of Vote to Retrocede the County of Alexandria to the State of Virginia
Proclamation 47—Announcement That a State of War Exists With the Republic of Mexico
Proclamation 46B—Declaring Lewiston, New York a Port of Delivery
Executive Order [on the death of Andrew Jackson]
John Tyler
Proclamation 46A—Warning Against Lawless Incursions Into Canada
Proclamation 46—Announcing the Death of William Henry Harrison
Proclamation 45B—Convening an Extra Session of the Congress
William Henry Harrison
Martin van Buren
Proclamation—Neutrality With Respect to Canadian Affairs
Proclamation 45A—Neutrality With Respect to Canadian Affairs
Proclamation 45—Levying Tonnage Duty on Portuguese Vessels
Proclamation 44—Suspending Tonnage Duty on Greek Vessels
Proclamation 43D—Convening an Extra Session of the Congress
Proclamation 43C—Extinguishing Title for Indian Lands Between the State of Missouri and the Missouri River
Andrew Jackson
Proclamation 43B—Suspending Discriminating Duties on Vessels of the Grand Dukedom of Tuscany