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Executive Order 8521—Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 4203 of April 14, 1925
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 8518—Modification of Executive Order No. 2123 of January 20, 1915, Reserving Certain Public Land as a Native Bird Refuge
Executive Order 8517—Changing the Name of the Delta Migratory Waterfowl Refuge to Delta National Wildlife Refuge and Adding Certain Lands
Executive Order 8519—Reserving Certain Townsite Lots for the Use of the Forest Service
Executive Order 8516—Suspending and Making Inoperative the Executive Order of January 17, 1873, as Amended, Insofar as the United States Civil Service Commission Shall, by Regulation, Authorize Appointments to Positions Directly Concerned With National Defense
Executive Order 8515—Setting Aside an Area Within the Canal Zone to Preserve and Conserve Its Natural Features for Scientific Observation and Investigation
Executive Order 8514—Authorizing the Civil Service Commission to Permit Transfers During Probation to Appropriate Positions Directly Concerned With the National Defense Program
Executive Order 8512—Regulations Pertaining to Budgetary Administration and Financial Reporting
Executive Order 8513—Authorizing the Appointment of Neal Smith, William T. Bie, Charles Leo Milroy, William S. DeGroff, and Cornelius Lynch to Classified Positions in the Public Buildings Administration, Federal Works Agency, Without Regard to the Civil Service Rules
Executive Order 8511—Transferring Jurisdiction and Control Over Certain Land on the Island of St. Croix, Virgin Islands, From the Department of the Interior to the War Department
Executive Order 8506—Excluding Certain Tracts of Land From the Chugach and Tongass National Forests and Restoring Them to Entry
Executive Order 8507—Withdrawal of Public Lands for the War Department
Executive Order 8508—Withdrawal of Public Land for the War Department
Executive Order 8509—Establishing the Missouri Wildlife Management Area
Executive Order 8510—Establishing the Carolina Sandhills Wildlife Management Area
Proclamation 2418—Day of Prayer
Executive Order 8505—Excluding Certain Land From the the Chugach National Forest and Withdrawing the Unreserved Portion for Townsite Purposes
Executive Order 8504—Exemption of James E. Amos From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 8502—Regulations Governing the Grades and Ratings of Enlisted Men of the Regular Army for the Fiscal Year 1941
Executive Order 8503—Exemption of Zebedee LaPelle From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 8501—Transferring the Fort Howard Military Reservation, Maryland, to the Control and Jurisdiction of the Veterans Administration
Executive Order 8499—Modifying Executive Order of September 5, 1914, Creating Power Site Reserve No. 454
Executive Order 8500—Modifying Executive Order of December 12, 1917, Creating Power Site Reserve No. 661
Executive Order 8498—Transferring to the Control and Jurisdiction of the Treasury Department the Remaining Part of the Site of the Naval Reservation on Ediz Hook, Port Angeles, Washington
Executive Order 8495—Designation of Agencies for the Purpose of Carrying Out the Provisions of Section 40 of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act, Fiscal Year 1941
Executive Order 8496—Modifying Executive Order of March 28, 1924, Creating Reservoir Site Reserve No. 16
Executive Order 8497—Exemption of Maurice C. Latta From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 8493—Amendment of Executive Order No. 8389 of April 10, 1940, as Amended
Executive Order 8494—Authorizing the Civil Service Commission To Confer a Competitive Classified Civil Service Status on Five Employees in the Disbursing Office of the Division of Disbursement of the Treasury at Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii
Executive Order 8492—Withdrawal of Public Land for Fire Lookout Station
Executive Order 8491—Exemption of William F. Yates From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 8490—Authorizing the Inspection by Certain Officials of the District of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, the Philippine Islands, and Puerto Rico of Certain Returns Made Under the Internal Revenue Code and of Income, Excess-Profits, and Capital Stock Tax Returns Filed Under the Revenue Act of 1938 or Prior Revenue Acts, Estate and Gift Tax Returns Filed After June 16, 1933, and Returns Under Title IX of the Social Security Act
Executive Order 8489—Exemption of William M. Smith From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 8488—Authorizing the Appointment of Walter Kuhn to a Position as Guard in the Public Buildings Administration, Federal Works Agency, Without Regard to the Civil Service Rules
Executive Order 8487—Designating the Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Executive Order 8483—Exemption of Louis Loebl From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 8485—Authorizing the Appointment of Peres D. Ziegler to a Position as Rural Letter Carrier Without Regard to the Requirements of the Civil Service Rules
Executive Order 8486—Modification of Executive Order No. 7515 of December 16, 1936, Withdrawing Public Land for Use of the War Department
Executive Order 8484—Amendment of Executive Order No. 8389 of April 10, 1940, as Amended
Executive Order 8482—Authorizing the Appointment of Norman H. Stevens to a Position as Rural Letter Carrier in the Postal Service at East Falls Church, Virginia, Without Regard to the Requirements of the Civil Service Rules