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Memorandum on Economic Support Fund and Military Assistance
Ronald Reagan
Executive Order 12555—Protection of Cultural Property
Proclamation 5446—Women's History Week, 1986
Proclamation 5445—Red Cross Month, 1986
Executive Order 12554—Nuclear Cooperation With EURATOM
Executive Order 12552—Productivity Improvement Program for the Federal Government
Executive Order 12553—Revocation of Various Executive Orders
Proclamation 5443—National Black (Afro-American) History Month, 1986
Proclamation 5444—Hugo Lafayette Black Day, 1986
Executive Order 12551—The President's Export Council
Proclamation 5442—National Hemophilia Month, 1986
Executive Order 12550—Amendments to the Manual for Courts- Martial, United States, 1984
Executive Order 12549—Debarment and Suspension of Participants in Federal Programs
Executive Order 12548—Grazing Fees
Proclamation 5440—National Burn Awareness Week, 1986
Proclamation 5441—National Humanities Week, 1986
Proclamation 5439—Small Business Week, 1986
Executive Order 12547—Establishing Procedures for Facilitating Presidential Review of International Aviation Decisions Submitted by the Department of Transportation
Proclamation 5438—National Safe Boating Week, 1986
Executive Order 12546—Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident
Order on Emergency Deficit Control Measures for Fiscal Year 1986
Proclamation 5437—Suspending Most-Favored-Nation Status for Afghanistan
Proclamation 5435—American Heart Month, 1986
Proclamation 5436—Sesquicentennial Year of the National Library of Medicine, 1986
Proclamation 5434—Death of American Astronauts on Board Space Shuttle Challenger
Proclamation 5433—Truck and Bus Safety Week, 1986
Proclamation 5432—National Jaycee Week, 1986
Proclamation 5431—Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, 1986
Proclamation 5430—National Sanctity of Human Life Day, 1986
Executive Order 12545—National Commission on Space
Proclamation 5429—National Day of Prayer
Proclamation 5428—National Poison Prevention Week, 1986
Proclamation 5427—Save Your Vision Week, 1986
Memorandum for the Director of the Office of Management and Budget
Executive Order 12544—Blocking Libyan Government Property in the United States or Held by U.S. Persons
Proclamation 5426—National Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Awareness Week, 1986
Executive Order 12543—Prohibiting Trade and Certain Transactions Involving Libya
Proclamation 5425—To Amend the Quantitative Limitations on Imports of Certain Cheeses
Executive Order 12540—Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay and Allowances
Executive Order 12541—Amending Executive Order 11157 as It Relates to a Basic Allowance for Quarters While on Sea Duty