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Executive Order 6573—Revocation in Part of Executive Order No. 5836, of April 13, 1932, Withdrawing Public Lands, California and Nevada
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 6575—Revocation of Executive Order No. 6237, of July 28, 1933
Executive Order 6575-A—Designation of and Authorization to the Secretary of State to Acquire and Dispose of Certain Property
Executive Order 6571—Authorizing the Relief of Certain Medical and Dental Officers of the Navy from Duty with the Civilian Conservation Corps
Executive Order 6569—Complaints Charging the Pursuit of Monopolistic Practices
Executive Order 6570—Restoring to the Territory of Hawaii a Part of the Schofield Barracks Military Reservation
Executive Order 6566—Veterans' Regulation No. 6(b)
Executive Order 6567—Veterans' Regulation No. 9(b)
Executive Order 6568—Veterans' Regulation No. 10(c)
Executive Order 6565—Veterans' Regulation No. 1(c)
Executive Order 6562—Additional Compensation of Enlisted Men of the Army for Special Qualifications in the Use of Arms
Executive Order 6563—Revocation of Executive Order of February 23, 1932, Withdrawing Public Lands, New Mexico
Executive Order 6564—Revocation in Part of Executive Order of April 23, 1929, Withdrawing Public Lands, Wyoming
Executive Order 6564-A—Retirement of Alfred Burri, Foreign Service Officer
Proclamation 2071—Union of Soviet Socialist Republics-Suspension of Tonnage Dues
Executive Order 6561—Amendment of Executive Order No. 6433-A, of November 17, 1933, and of Executive Order No. 6512 of December 16, 1933
Executive Order 6560-A—Appointing F. E. Berquist as a Member of the National Bituminous Coal Industrial Board
Executive Order 6560-B—Appointing John L. Lewis as a Member of the National Bituminous Coal Industrial Board
Executive Order 6558—Relating to Receipt of Gold on Consignment by the Mints and Assay Offices
Executive Order 6559—Amending the Executive Order of March 10, 1933, and the Proclamation of December 30, 1933, Concerning the Operation of Banks