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Executive Order 8673—Designating the Robert Fechner Memorial Forest
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 8671—Authorizing the Procurement Division To Use Tungsten Ore Acquired Pursuant to the Act of June 7, 1939
Executive Order 8669—Prescribing Regulations Governing the Exportation of Articles and Materials Designated in Proclamation No. 2449 of December 10, 1940
Executive Order 8668—Prescribing Regulations Governing the Exportation of Articles and Materials Designated in the President's Proclamation of February 4, 1941, Issued Pursuant to Section 6 of the Act of Congress Approved July 2, 1940, and Amending Regulations of January 15, 1941, Covering the Exportation of Certain Articles and Materials
Executive Order 8672—Amending the Foreign Service Regulations of the United States
Executive Order 8670—Exemption of Clarence E. Ingling From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 8661—Establishing the Springwater National Wildlife Refuge
Executive Order 8657—Extending the Classification Act of 1923, as Amended, to Certain Positions in the Navy Department and Establishing a Salary Differential Therefore
Executive Order 8658—Establishing the Prairie Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Executive Order 8660—Establishing the Snyder Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Executive Order 8659—Establishing the Pretty Rock National Wildlife Refuge
Executive Order 8656—Exemption of Ovilup H. George From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 8662—Establishing the Stewart Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Executive Order 8667—Establishing the Wintering River National Wildlife Refuge
Executive Order 8666—Establishing White Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Executive Order 8665—Establishing Tomahawk National Wildlife Refuge
Executive Order 8663—Establishing Stoney Slough National Wildlife Refuge
Executive Order 8664—Establishing the Sunburst Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Executive Order 8655—Revoking in Part Executive Order No. 8344 of February 10, 1940, and Reserving Public Land for Use as an Addition to an Air Navigation Site
Executive Order 8654—Revoking the Designation of Molson, Washington, as a Customs Port of Entry