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Executive Order 9019—Revoking in Part and Modifying Executive Order No. 8578 of October 29, 1940, and Reserving Public Land for Use of the War Department as an Aerial Machine-Gun Range
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 9014—Withdrawing Public Land for Use of the War Department
Executive Order 9013—Waiving the Physical Requirements to Permit Walter M. Brucher to Compete in the Competitive Civil Service Examination for the Position of Postmaster at Faribault, Minnesota
Proclamation 2535—Third Registration Day
Executive Order 9012—Possession Relinquished of Plant of Federal Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Company
Executive Order 9011—Prescribing Regulations Governing the Manner of Expending and Accounting for Funds Appropriated for the Army of the Philippines
Executive Order 9010—Exemption of John W. Mays From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 9009—Exemption of Maurice A. Emerson From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 9007—Transferring to the Service and Jurisdiction of the Navy Department Certain Officers of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey
Executive Order 9008—Amending Executive Order No. 8990 of December 23, 1941, Relating to Appointment of State Employment Security Personnel to Positions in the Social Security Board
Executive Order 9006—Certifying the Territory of Hawaii as a Distressed Emergency Area
Proclamation 2534—Extending the Period for the Establishment of an Adequate Shipping Service for, and Deferring Extension of the Coastwise Laws to, Canton Island
Executive Order 9004—Amending Schedules A and B of the Civil Service Rules
Executive Order 9005—Permitting Certain Positions to Be Filled by Promotion, Transfer, or Assignment of Certain Employees and Authorizing Such Employees to Acquire a Classified Status
Executive Order 9003—Exemption of Joseph Tombrink From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Proclamation 2533—Amending Proclamations Relating to Alien Enemies
Executive Order 9002—Exemption of Frank Burke From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Proclamation 2532—Establishing the Hawaiian Maritime Control Area and Prescribing Regulations for the Control Thereof
Executive Order 9001—Authorizing the War Department, the Navy Department, and the United States Maritime Commission to Perform the Functions and Exercise the Powers Described in Title II of an Act Approved December 18, 1941, Entitled "An Act to Expedite the Prosecution of the War Effort", and Prescribing Regulations for the Exercise of Such Functions and Powers
Executive Order 9001-A—Authorizing and Directing the United States Maritime Commission To Resell the S.S. "Normandie" to the Former Owners Thereof