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Proclamation 3037—Copyright—Japan
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Proclamation 3036—Thanksgiving Day, 1953
Executive Order 10501—Safeguarding Official Information in the Interests of the Defense of the United States
Proclamation 3035—Armistice Day, 1953
Memorandum for the Heads of All Departments and Agencies of the Government
Executive Order 10500—Designation of the Power Authority of the State of New York and Establishment of the United States Section of the St. Lawrence River Joint Board of Engineers
Executive Order 10499—Delegating Functions Conferred Upon the President by Section 8 of the Uniformed Services Contingency Option Act of 1953
Executive Order 10498—Delegating to the Secretaries of the Military Departments and the Secretary of the Treasury Certain Authority Vested in the President by the Uniform Code of Military Justice
Directive Approved by the President for the Guidance of the United States Information Agency
Executive Order 10497—Amendment of the Regulations Relating to Commissioned Officers and Employees of the Public Health Service
Executive Order 10493—Delegating Certain Functions of the President to the Administrator of the Small Business Administration
Executive Order 10494—Disposition of Functions Remaining Under Title IV of the Defense Production Act
Executive Order 10492—Establishing a Seal for the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
Executive Order 10496—Restoring Certain Lands Reserved for Military Purposes to the Jurisdiction of the Territory of Hawaii
Executive Order 10495—Prescribing the Order of Succession of Officers To Act as Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Army, Secretary of the Navy, and Secretary of the Air Force
Executive Order 10491—Amendment of Executive Order No. 10450 of April 27, 1953, Relating to Security Requirements for Government Employment
Memorandum Directing That Agricultural Commodities Be Made Available To Meet Relief Requirements in Bolivia.
Executive Order 10490—Creating a Board of Inquiry To Report on Certain Labor Disputes Affecting the Maritime Industry of the United States
Proclamation 3034—Imposing Import Fees on Shelled and Prepared Almonds
Executive Order 10489—Providing for the Administration of Certain Loan and Loan Guarantee Functions Under the Defense Production Act of 1950, as Amended