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Executive Order 11045—Discontinuing the Guam Island Naval Defensive Sea Area and Guam Island Naval Airspace Reservation
John F. Kennedy
Executive Order 11044—Interagency Coordination of Arms Control and Disarmament Matters
Proclamation 3487—Child Health Day
Executive Order 11043—Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate Dispute Between the Pan American World Airways, Inc. and Certain of its Employees
Proclamation 3486—Modifying the Natural Bridges National Monument, Utah
Executive Order 11042—Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute Between the Southern Pacific Company (Pacific Lines) and Certain of its Employees
Executive Order 11040—Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate Dispute Between the Belt Railway Company of Chicago and Certain of its Employees
Executive Order 11041—Continuance and Administration of the Peace Corps in the Department of State
Executive Order 11039—Extension of the President's Commission on Campaign Costs
Memorandum on Equal Opportunity for Women in the federal Service.
Executive Order 11038—Continuing in Effect Executive Order No. 10945 of May 24, 1961, Relating to the Administration of the Export Control Act of 1949, as Amended
Executive Order 11037—Amendment of Section 12 of Executive Order No. 6260 of August 28, 1933, as Amended
Proclamation 3485—Allocating to Certain Western Hemisphere Countries Part of the Sugar Which Would Have Been Allocated to Cuba
Proclamation 3483—Fire Prevention Week, 1962
Proclamation 3484—National Public Works Week
Proclamation 3482—Captive Nations Week, 1962
Proclamation 3481—Medal of Honor Centennial, U.S. Army
Executive Order 11036—Administration of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as Amended
Executive Order 11035—Management of Federal Office Space
Proclamation 3480—Terminating in Part the Proclamation of May 1, 1937, and Continuing the Application of a Portion of the February 19, 1937 Trade Agreement with El Salvador