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Proclamation 4580—National Grandparents Day, 1978
Jimmy Carter
Memorandum From the President on the General Services Administration
Memorandum From the President on Affirmative Action Programs
Memorandum From the President on Equality for Women
Proclamation 4579—Citizenship Day and Constitution Week, 1978
Memorandum From the President on Federal Government Spending
Executive Order 12071—President's Commission on Pension Policy
Proclamation 4578—Captive Nations Week, 1978
Proclamation 4577—Quantitative Limitation on the Importation of Certain Meat
Memorandum From the President on the American Stainless Steel Table Flatware Industry
Proclamation 4576—Free Enterprise Day, 1978
Memorandum From the President on the Combined Federal Campaign
Executive Order 12069—Executive Schedule
Executive Order 12067—Equal Employment Opportunity Programs
Executive Order 12070—Federal Cost-of-Living Allowances
Executive Order 12068—Litigation Against Public Sector Employers
Executive Order 12066—Inspection of Foreign Assistance Programs
Executive Order 12065—National Security Information
National Security Information Order Designating Certain Officials To Classify Information "Top Secret"