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Memorandum From the President on Aid for Ugandan Refugees
Jimmy Carter
Memorandum From the President on Regulation of Small Businesses and Organizations
Proclamation 4703—National Family Week, 1979
Executive Order 12170—Blocking Iranian Government Property
Memorandum From the President on Trade Sanctions Against Zimbabwe-Rhodesia
Memorandum From the President on Aid for Kampucheans
Proclamation 4702—Imports of Petroleum and Petroleum Products From Iran
Proclamation 4701—Census 1980
Proclamation 4698—Will Rogers Day, 1979
Proclamation 4699—Wright Brothers Day, 1979
Proclamation 4700—Aid for Kampucheans
Memorandum From the President on the Small Business Administration's (SBA) Membership on the Regulatory Council
Executive Order 12169—United States Holocaust Memorial Council
Executive Order 12168—President's Commission for a National Agenda for the Eighties
Proclamation 4697—Agreement on Trade Relations Between the United States of America and the People's Republic of China
Memorandum From the President on United States-People's Republic of China Trade Relations
Executive Order 12167—United States-People's Republic of China Trade Relations
Proclamation 4696—National Farm-City Week, 1979
Memorandum From the President on the Energy Emergency in Florida