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Proclamation 5006—World Communications Year 1983: Development of Communications Infrastructures
Ronald Reagan
Proclamation 5005—National Drunk and Drugged Driving Awareness Week
Proclamation 5003—Bill of Rights Day, Human Rights Day and Week, 1982
Proclamation 5004—A Day of Prayer for Poland and Solidarity With the Polish People
Executive Order 12396—Defense Officer Personnel Management
Memorandum on an Occupational Safety and Health Program for Federal Employees
Proclamation 5002—Modification of Quotas on Certain Sugars, Sirups and Molasses
Executive Order 12395—International Private Enterprise Task Force
Executive Order 12394—Incentive Pay for Hazardous Duty
Proclamation 5001—Wright Brothers Day, 1982
Executive Order 12393—Establishment of Emergency Board No. 199 To Investigate a Railroad Labor Dispute
Memorandum on Subsidy Practices Relating to Specialty Steel Imports
Proclamation 5000—National Home Health Care Week, 1982
Executive Order 12392—International Financial Institutions
Proclamation 4999—National Family Week, 1982
Memorandum on the Chicago World's Fair 1992: Age of Discovery
Proclamation 4997—National Respiratory Therapy Week
Proclamation 4998—Modification of the Tariff-Rate Quota on Brooms Wholly or in Part of Broom Corn
Notice of the Continuation of the Iran Emergency