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Executive Order 12843—Procurement Requirements and Policies for Federal Agencies for Ozone-Depleting Substances
William J. Clinton
Executive Order 12844—Federal Use of Alternative Fueled Vehicles
Executive Order 12845—Requiring Agencies To Purchase Energy Efficient Computer Equipment
Proclamation 6546—National Volunteer Week, 1993
Memorandum on Determination Under Section 2(b)(2)(D) of the Export-Import Bank Act of 1945, as Amended: People's Republic of China
Proclamation 6545—Pan American Day and Pan American Week, 1993
Proclamation 6544—To Modify Duty-Free Treatment Under the Andean Trade Preference Act, To Modify the Generalized System of Preferences, and for Other Purposes
Proclamation 6541—National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day, 1993
Proclamation 6542—National Preschool Immunization Week, 1993
Proclamation 6543—To Extend Special Rules of Origin Applicable to Certain Textile Articles Woven or Knitted in Canada
Proclamation 6540—Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A., 1993
Memorandum on Certification for Major Narcotics Producing and Transit Countries
Memorandum on Military Drawdown for Israel
Executive Order 12842—International Development Law Institute
Proclamation 6539—Greek Independence Day: A National Day of Celebration of Greek and American Democracy, 1993
Memorandum on Delegation of Authority To Modify or Terminate Title VII Trade Action Taken Against the European Community
Proclamation 6538—National Agriculture Day, 1993
Proclamation 6537—Women's History Month, 1993
Proclamation 6535—American Red Cross Month, 1993
Proclamation 6536—National Poison Prevention Week, 1993