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Memorandum on Federal Agency Compliance With the Patient Bill of Rights
William J. Clinton
Executive Order 13075—Special Oversight Board for Department of Defense Investigations of Gulf War Chemical and Biological Incidents
Memorandum on Children's Health Insurance Outreach
Executive Order 13074—Amendment to Executive Order 12656
Memorandum on the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization
Executive Order 13073—Year 2000 Conversion
Executive Order 13072—White House Millennium Council
Memorandum on Renewal of the China-United States Trade Agreement
Proclamation 7066—American Heart Month, 1998
Memorandum on Enhancing Education Through Technology
Proclamation 7067—National African American History Month, 1998
Proclamation 7065—Year of the Ocean, 1998
Memorandum on Funding of International Financial Institutions and Other International Organizations
Presidential Determination No. 98-11—Memorandum on Assistance for the New Independent States of the Former Soviet Union
Notice—Continuation of Emergency Regarding Terrorists Who Threaten To Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process
Proclamation 7064—Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday, 1998
Proclamation 7063—Religious Freedom Day, 1998
Proclamation 7062—Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Persons Who Are Members of the Military Junta in Sierra Leone and Members of Their Families
Memorandum on Ending Drug Use and Drug Availability for Offenders
Memorandum on the China-United States Nuclear Cooperation Agreement