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Executive Order
Abraham Lincoln
Proclamation of Thanksgiving
Executive Order—Tendering Thanks to Admiral Farragut and Major-General Canby
Executive Order—Tendering Thanks to Major-General William T. Sherman
Executive Order—Concerning Cotton
Proclamation 117—Concerning Commercial Regulations
Proclamation 116—Calling for 500,000 Volunteers
Proclamation 115—Concerning a Bill "To Guarantee to Certain States, Whose Governments Have Been Usurped or Overthrown, a Republican Form of Government," and Concerning Reconstruction
Proclamation 114—Appointing a Day of National Humiliation, Fasting, and Prayer
Proclamation 113—Declaring Martial Law and a Further Suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus in Kentucky
Proclamation 112—Revocation of Exequatur of Charles Hunt, Consul for Belgium at St. Louis, Missouri
Executive Order—Arrest and Imprisonment of Irresponsible Newspaper Reporters and Editors
Executive Order—Little Traverse Reserve
Proclamation 111—Concerning Amnesty
Executive Order—Calling for 200,000 Men