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Executive Order
Andrew Johnson
Proclamation 135—Reorganizing a Constitutional Government in North Carolina
Proclamation 134—Granting Amnesty to Participants in the Rebellion, with Certain Exceptions
Proclamation 133—Raising the Blockade of Certain Ports
Proclamation 132—Ordering the Arrest of Insurgent Cruisers
Executive Order—To Reestablish the Authority of the United States and Execute the Laws Within the Geographical Limits Known as the State of Virginia
Executive Order—Special Orders: 216
Executive Order—Special Orders: 211
Executive Order—Rescinding Regulations Prohibiting the Exportation of Arms, Ammunition, Horses, Mules, and Live Stock
Proclamation 131—Rewards for the Arrest of Jefferson Davis and Others
Proclamation 130—Postponing the Day of Mourning for the Death of President Lincoln Until June 1
Proclamation 129—Day of Fasting, Humiliation and Mourning for the Death of President Lincoln
Proclamation 126—Closing Certain Ports
Abraham Lincoln
Proclamation 127—Opening the Port of Key West