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Proclamation 357—Convening an Extra Session of the Congress
Grover Cleveland
Executive Order
Executive Order—Amendments of Civil Service Rules
Proclamation 356—Copyright: Denmark
Executive Order—Amendment of Civil Service Rules
Proclamation 355—Prohibiting Hunting and Trapping in the Waters of the Bering Sea Within the Limits of the Alaska Territory
Proclamation 352—Convening an Extra Session of the United States Senate
Benjamin Harrison
Proclamation 353—Setting Apart as a Public Reservation Certain Lands in the State of California
Proclamation 354—Setting Apart as a Public Reservation Certain Lands in the State of California
Proclamation 351—Suspending Proclamation of Tolls on Freight Passing Through the St. Mary's Falls Canal
Proclamation 350—Setting Apart as a Public Reservation Certain Lands in the State of Washington
Proclamation 349—Setting Apart as a Public Reservation Certain Lands in the Territory of Arizona
Proclamation 348—Setting Apart as a Public Reservation Certain Lands in the State of California
Executive Order—Death of James G. Blaine
Executive Order—Death of Rutherford B. Hayes