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Executive Order
Theodore Roosevelt
Proclamation 606—Establishment of the Yuba Forest Reserve, California
Proclamation 605—Thanksgiving Day, 1905
Proclamation 604—Prohibiting the Export of Arms, Ammunition and Munitions of War to the Dominican Republic
Proclamation 603—Establishment of Jemez Forest Reserve, New Mexico
Proclamation 594—Enlargement of the Madison Forest Reserve, Montana
Proclamation 602—Enlargement of the Little Belt Forest Reserve, Montana
Proclamation 599—Establishment of the Hell Gate Forest Reserve, Montana
Proclamation 597—Enlargement and Name Change of Lake Tahoe Forest Reserve, California and Nevada to the Tahoe Forest Reserve
Proclamation 600—Modifying the Boundaries of the Lincoln Forest Reserve, New Mexico
Proclamation 595—Establishment of the Big Belt Forest Reserve, Montana
Proclamation 598—Establishment of the Tonto Forest Reserve, Arizona
Proclamation 596—Establishment of the Shasta Forest Reserve, California
Proclamation 601—Establishment of the Portales Forest Reserve, New Mexico
Proclamation 593—Establishment of the Dixie Forest Reserve, Utah
Proclamation 592—Establishment of the Holy Cross Forest Reserve, Colorado