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Proclamation 1901—Announcing the Death of William Howard Taft
Herbert Hoover
Executive Order 5296—Partial Revocation of Withdrawals of Public Lands for Classification
Executive Order 5295—Accounts and Returns of Diplomatic Officers
Executive Order 5294—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey Partially Revoked
Executive Order 5293—Public Water Restoration No. 63, Montana No. 11
Executive Order 5292—Public Water Reserve No. 130, Nevada No. 21
Executive Order 5290—Accounts and Returns of Consular Officers
Executive Order 5291—Abolishment of New Bern and Manteo, North Carolina, as Customs Ports of Entry
Executive Order 5289—Reservation of Lands in Native Villages for Educational Purposes
Executive Order 5288—Commutation of Rations and Quarters to Enlisted Men
Executive Order 5286—Reinstatement of H. Percival Dodge as a Foreign Service Officer
Executive Order 5287—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey
Executive Order 5285—Classification of Eustaquio Vallecer for Faithful and Meritorious Service
Executive Order 5283—Appointment of Mrs. Mabel V. Birch
Executive Order 5284—Designation of Fort Pierce, Florida, as a Customs Port of Entry
Executive Order 5282—Withdrawal of Public Lands for a National Monument
Executive Order 5280—Deep Creek Administrative Site Addition
Executive Order 5281—To Establish Air Space Reservations Over Certain Harbors as Prohibited Areas for Civil Aircraft
Executive Order 5279—Revoking Withdrawals for Classification
Executive Order 5275—Withdrawal of Public Land for Classification