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Proclamation 6999—Mother's Day, 1997
William J. Clinton
Proclamation 7000—Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police Week, 1997
Memorandum on Assistance Program for the New Independent States of the Former Soviet Union
Proclamation 6998—Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month, 1997
Memorandum on Bosnian Compliance on Withdrawal of Foreign Forces and Terminating Intelligence Cooperation With Iran
Proclamation 6996—Older Americans Month, 1997
Proclamation 6997—Loyalty Day, 1997
Memorandum on Excused Absence for Employees Affected by the Flooding of the Red River and Its Aftermath
Memorandum on Use of Funds for the U.S. Contribution to the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization
Memorandum on Delegation of Responsibilities to the Secretary of State