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Executive Order 5021—Making Edward V. Sheely Eligible for Nomination Without Examination
Calvin Coolidge
Executive Order 5022—Amendments to Executive Order No. 4728
Executive Order 5019—Authorizing the Appointment of Mildred Brown McIntosh Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
Executive Order 5020—Authorizing the Reinstatement of James M.E. Brown Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
Executive Order 4994—Extension of Trust Period on Allotments Made to Indians of the Winnebago Reservation in Nebraska
Executive Order 4986—Reserving for Use by the Department of Agricultre Certain Areas in the Vicinity of Osborn, Montana
Proclamation 1855—Thanksgiving Day, 1928
Executive Order 4981—Extension of Trust Period on Allotments Made to Indians of the Lower Brule Reservation in South Dakota
Executive Order 4979—Extension of Trust Period on Allotments Made to the Indians on the Winnebago Reservation in Nebraska
Executive Order 4929—Lands Within the Carson National Forest, New Mexico