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Executive Order 5569—Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Lands for Survey, Florida
Herbert Hoover
Executive Order 5570—Reinstatement of Probationer in Any Part of the Service
Proclamation 1939—Revoking Embargo on Exportation of Arms and Munitions of War to Brazil
Executive Order 5567—Power-Site Restoration No. 461, Montana
Executive Order 5566—Placing the Government of the Virgin Islands Under the Supervision of the Department of the Interior
Executive Order 5565—Amending Regulations for Appointments to the Foreign Service
Executive Order 5564—Power-Site Restoration No. 460, Oregon
Executive Order 5563—Authorizing the Appointment of Mrs. Margaret Kane
Executive Order 5562—Withdrawal of Additional Public Lands for Lighthouse Purposes, Mississippi
Executive Order 5561—Restoration of United States Agricultural Experiment Station Lands in the Territory of Hawaii