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Executive Order 9823—Designating Public International Orgaizations Entitled to Enjoy Certain Privileges, Exemptons, and Immunities
Harry S Truman
Executive Order 9822—Disposal of Certain Finnish Merchant Vessels to the Former Owners Thereof
Executive Order 9820—Segregation of the Function of the Housing Expediter From the Functions of the National Housing Administrator
Executive Order 9821—Amending Executive Order No. 9070 of February 24, 1942, Consolidating the Housing Agencies and Functions of the Government Into the National Housing Agency
Executive Order 9819—Appointment of the Members and Alternate Member of a Miltiary Tribunal Established for the Trial and Punsihment of Major War Criminals in Germany
Memorandum Concerning the Red Cross Campaign.
Executive Order 9818—Establishing the Philippine Alien Property Administration and Defining Its Functions
Executive Order 9817—Regulations Governing Awards to Federal Employees for Metitorious Suggestions and for Exceptional or Meritorius Service
Proclamation 2714—Cessation of Hostilities of World War II
Executive Order 9816—Providing the Transfer of Properties and Personnel to the Atomic Energy Commission