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American Textile Manufacturers Institute Remarks to Members of the Institute.
Jimmy Carter
Department of Commerce Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Department Employees
Department of Labor Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Department Employees
The President's News Conference
Remarks on Transmitting Proposed Reorganization Plan Authority Legislation to the Congress
United States Senate Youth Program Remarks of the President and Vice President to Participants in the Program.
Remarks on Signing Into Law the Emergency Natural Gas Act of 1977 and Related Documents
REPORT TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE - Remarks From the White House Library
Vice President Mondale's Trip to Europe and Japan Remarks on Welcoming the Vice President Home.
The Energy Shortage Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at the Westinghouse Plant in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
United States Representative to the United Nations Remarks at the Swearing In of Andrew J. Young.
The Energy Shortage Remarks on Returning From the Trip to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
The Energy Shortage Remarks at a Meeting With the Cabinet.
Remarks at the Annual National Prayer Breakfast
West Chester, Pennsylvania, Students Question-and-Answer Session With Students From Stetson Junior High School.
Secretary of Labor Remarks at the Swearing In of F. Ray Marshall.
Attorney General of the United States Remarks at the Swearing In of Griffin B. Bell.
Natural Gas Legislation Remarks at a News Briefing on the Legislation
Washington Press Club Dinner Remarks at the Annual Dinner Honoring New Members of Congress.
Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare Remarks at the Swearing In of Joseph A. Califano, Jr.
Vice President Mondale's Trip to Europe and Japan Remarks of the President and the Vice President on the Vice President's Departure.
Swearing-In Ceremony for Members of the Cabinet Remarks at the Ceremony.
Inaugural Address
United States Foreign Policy Remarks to People of Other Nations on Assuming Office.
Oath of Office Administered by Chief Justice Warren Burger
Remarks at Dedication Ceremonies for the National Defense University
Gerald R. Ford
Remarks Upon Presenting the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Henry A. Kissinger
Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress Reporting on the State of the Union
Remarks Upon Presenting the Presidential Medal of Freedom
Exchange With Reporters in Vail, Colorado, on Proposed Statehood for Puerto Rico.
Exchange With Reporters in Vail, Colorado.
Remarks Upon Arrival at Vail, Colorado.
Remarks in Ann Arbor at a Luncheon With the University of Michigan Regents
Remarks at the Lighting of the National Community Christmas Tree
Remarks at the Annual Congressional Christmas Ball
Remarks of the President and Republican Leaders in a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters.
Remarks of Welcome to Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti of Italy
Toasts of the President and Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti of Italy
Remarks Following a Meeting on the Transition With President-elect Carter.
Remarks at a Meeting With Members of the Cabinet.
Remarks on the Presidential Election Results and Telegram Congratulating President-elect Jimmy Carter on His Victory
Remarks in Atlanta Accepting Election as the 39th President of the United States
Remarks While Awaiting Presidential Election Results
Remarks at an Unveiling Ceremony for the Gerald R. Ford Mural in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Remarks at a Rally on Arrival at Grand Rapids, Michigan
Remarks on Greeting Students at the Fort Hayes Career Center in Columbus
Remarks on Departure From Akron, Ohio
Remarks on Arrival at Detroit, Michigan
Remarks at Dedication Ceremonies for the Gerald R. Ford Health and Physical Education Building at Grand Rapids Junior College
Remarks at the Ohio State Capitol in Columbus
Remarks in Livonia, Michigan
Radio Address on Future Goals for America
Remarks on the Eve of the Presidential Election
Remarks at a Republican Party Reception in Buffalo, New York
Remarks to Long Island Labor and Business Leaders in Hempstead, New York
Remarks on Departure From Rochester, New York
Remarks in Hempstead, New York
Remarks in Hauppauge, New York
Remarks at a Rally in Houston, Texas