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Remarks at a Luncheon for President Agustin P. Justo, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Address before the Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Remarks at a Banquet Given by President Getulio Vargas of Brazil at Rio de Janeiro.
Address before a Joint Session of the National Congress and the Supreme Court of Brazil at Rio de Janeiro.
Remarks at Greenbelt, Md.
Radio Greeting to the Twenty-one American Republics
Address at the Dedication of the Jusserand Memorial in Rock Creek Park, Washington, D.C.
Remarks to Neighbors on Return to Washington.
Remarks at Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Final Campaign Radio Speech of the 1936 Presidential Campaign
Remarks at National Campaign Headquarters, New York City
Address at Madison Square Garden, New York City
Address at Brooklyn, N.Y.
Address at Wilmington, Del.
Address at Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Address at Harrisburg, Pa.
Address at Camden, N.J.
Remarks at the Dedication of Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Address on the Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Statue of Liberty.
Address at Roosevelt Park, New York City
Address at the Dedication the New Chemistry Building, Howard University, Washington, D.C.
Radio Address to Dinners of Business Men Held Throughout the Nation
Remarks at Hartford, Conn.
Address at Providence, R.I.
Address at Boston, Mass.
Address at Worcester, Mass.
Remarks at the New Athletic Field, Niagara Falls, N.Y.
Address at the Dedication of the Federal Building, Buffalo, N.Y.
Address at Rochester, N.Y.
Remarks at Utica, N.Y.
Remarks at Albany, N.Y.
Address at Cleveland, Ohio
Rear-Platform Remarks at Galion, Ohio
Remarks at Cincinnati, Ohio
Remarks at Hamtramck Stadium, Detroit, Mich.
Address at Detroit, Mich.
Rear-Platform Remarks at Grand Rapids, Mich
Remarks at Atwood Stadium, Flint, Mich.
Address at the Dedication of a World War Memorial, St. Louis, Mo.
Rear-Platform Remarks at Springfield, Ill