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Remarks to the Committee on Youth Employment in Response to Its Report.
John F. Kennedy
Remarks Upon Signing Bill Incorporating the Eleanor Roosevelt Foundation
Remarks to Members of the National Council of Senior Citizens.
Remarks to a Group of Fulbright-Hays Scholars From Abroad.
Remarks at a White House Musical Program for Youth.
Address at the Boston College Centennial Ceremonies
Remarks and Question and Answer Period Before the American Society of Newspaper Editors.
Toasts of the President and Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands
Remarks Upon Presenting a Presidential Citation of Merit to Mrs. Florence Harriman.
Remarks to a Group of Economics Students From Abroad.
Remarks Upon Signing Proclamation Conferring Honorary Citizenship on Sir Winston Churchill.
Remarks at a Meeting To Consider the Economic Problems of the Appalachian Region.
The President's News Conference
Remarks of Welcome at Union Station to King Hassan II of Morocco
Toasts of the President and King Hassan II
Remarks to the Faculty and Students of the French Institute of High Studies for National Defense.
Remarks in Chicago at the Dedication of O'Hare International Airport.
Remarks at a Civic Luncheon in Chicago.
Remarks at the Ambassador's Residence, San Jose, in Response to a Welcoming Declaration by Christian Democratic Youth
Remarks at the University of Costa Rica in San Jose
Remarks at El Coco Airport, Costa Rica, Upon Leaving for the United States.
Toasts of the President and President Somoza of Nicaragua at a Luncheon at the Ambassador's Residence in San Jose, Costa Rica
Remarks at El Bosque Housing Project Near San Jose.
Address at the Teatro Nacional in San Jose Upon Opening the Presidents' Conference.
Remarks Upon Arrival at the Airport, San Jose, Costa Rica
Toast of the President at a Dinner at the Casa Presidencial in San Jose
Remarks to Members of the American Colony in San Jose.
Address Before the 19th Washington Conference of the Advertising Council.
Remarks to the Boys' and Men's Choir of Poznan, Poland.
Remarks to Delegates Attending the World Youth Forum.
Remarks to a Group of Newly Promoted Foreign Service Officers.
Remarks to Representatives of the National Congress of American Indians.
Remarks at a Dinner Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Department of Labor.
Remarks to a Group of Staff Members and Students of the Argentine War College
Toasts of the President and Prince Albert of Belgium
Remarks of Welcome at the White House to King Sri Savang Vatthana of Laos
Toasts of the President and King Sri Savang Vatthana
Remarks and Question and Answer Period at the American Bankers Association Symposium on Economic Growth.