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Remarks to the Citizens of Berlin
William J. Clinton
The President's News Conference With Chancellor Helmut Kohl of Germany in Bonn
Remarks to U.S. Military Personnel at Ramstein Air Base in Ramstein, Germany
Remarks on Arrival in Berlin, Germany
Remarks at a Luncheon Hosted by Chancellor Helmut Kohl of Germany in Bonn
Remarks to the Citizens of Oggersheim, Germany
The President's News Conference With President Boris Yeltsin of Russia in Naples
The President's News Conference in Naples
Exchange With Reporters on North Korea in Naples, Italy
The President's Radio Address
The President's News Conference With Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama of Japan in Naples, Italy
Address to the Polish Parliament in Warsaw
Remarks at the Children's Memorial in Warsaw
The President's News Conference With Baltic Leaders in Riga
Remarks Following Discussions With President Lech Walesa of Poland and an Exchange With Reporters in Warsaw
Exchange With Reporters During Discussions With Baltic Leaders in Riga, Latvia
Remarks at a Dinner Hosted by President Lech Walesa of Poland in Warsaw
Remarks to Citizens in Riga
Remarks on the Upcoming Economic Summit
Remarks at an Independence Day Celebration
Teleconference on the Rededication of the Mark Twain Memorial Lighthouse at Hannibal, Missouri
Interview With Klaus Walther of ZDF German Television
Interview With Foreign Journalists
Remarks at the Presidential Scholars Awards Presentation Ceremony
Interview With Tomasz Lis of Polish Television
Interview With the Polish Media
Remarks to the Small Business Coalition for Health Care Reform
Remarks to the National Academy of Sciences
Remarks and an Exchange With Reporters Prior to Discussions With President Eduardo Frei of Chile
Remarks at a Fundraiser for Senators Jim Sasser and Paul Sarbanes
Remarks Announcing Changes in the White House Staff and an Exchange With Reporters
Address to the People of the Baltic Nations
Remarks to the White House Conference on Africa
Remarks at a Democratic National Committee Reception in New York City
Address to the People of Berlin, Germany
Remarks to Medical Educators