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Remarks Prior to Discussions With President Ricardo Lagos of Chile and an Exchange With Reporters
George W. Bush
Remarks to the United States Chamber of Commerce
The President's Radio Address
Remarks on Signing a Proclamation Commemorating the Birth of Thomas Jefferson
Remarks on the Return of United States Navy Aircraft Crewmembers From China
Remarks on Parental Empowerment in Education
Remarks to the Community in Greenville, North Carolina
Remarks in a Meeting With the Parents of Petty Officer Third Class Steven Blocher in Concord
Remarks on Plans for Release of United States Navy Aircraft Crewmembers in China
Remarks at Concord Middle School in Concord, North Carolina
Remarks Following Discussions With King Abdullah II of Jordan and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks in a Discussion on Character-Building Programs in Education
Remarks Prior to a Cabinet Meeting and an Exchange With Reporters
Remarks on Repair of the Daniel Webster Hoan Bridge in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Remarks on Presenting the Horatio Alger Awards
Remarks on Presenting the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Awards in Crystal City, Virginia
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With the American Society of Newspaper Editors
Remarks at the United States Conference of Mayors National Summit on Investment in the New American City
Remarks Calling on China To Return the United States Military Crew and Surveillance Aircraft