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The President's Radio Address
George W. Bush
Remarks During a Visit to the Northwest Boys & Girls Club in Hartford, Connecticut
Remarks on the National Economy
Remarks on Malaria Awareness Day in Hartford
Remarks to Participants of the Wounded Warrior Project Soldier Ride
Remarks Following a Discussion With President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority
Remarks at the White House Summit on Inner-City Children and Faith-Based Schools
Remarks on Small Business Week
Remarks on Presenting the Congressional Gold Medal to Michael E. DeBakey
Remarks on Arrival in Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Remarks Following a Meeting With Community Leaders in New Orleans
The President's News Conference With President Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa of Mexico and Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada in New Orleans
Remarks at a United States Chamber of Commerce Reception in New Orleans
Remarks Following a Discussion With Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada in New Orleans
Remarks Following a Discussion With President Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa of Mexico in New Orleans
Remarks Announcing the Reopening of the Mexican Consulate in New Orleans, Louisiana
The President's News Conference With President Lee Myung-bak of South Korea at Camp David, Maryland
Remarks on the Nomination of Steven C. Preston To Be Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Remarks at the America's Small Business Summit